Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Need to get the heavy ball rolling

"Once the season starts for me, there isn't a change in my focus, just a change in my tactics and strategies." -- Bode Miller

* * *
Boy, I felt heavy today. Yet again.

I felt it when I walked my 4 year old sweetie to school this morning. On my return home, I did a simple one block run and just didn't like the weighted feel on my legs. Like I was pounding the pavement as if I were a hammer instead of bouncing lightly and gracefully across it.

It's been almost three months since my last steady workouts, and it's caused me to gain considerable weight and lose too much strength. The spare tire is certainly there and quite pronounced, although my first pic taken only last week seems a bit forgiving. Yeah, I'm a tubby.

We'll see what pans out tonight after the kids are asleep. Hopefully, I'll get a workout in. For now, I need some comfort food. Thank goodness I have a 5 lb bag of Hersey Kisses downstairs. Come to papa, you scrumptuous chocolate droppings!

Yum, yum!


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